Join the Fund 9 Insight Fest, participate in developing the Catalyst Ecosystem and join great Discussions
When: June 8 at 15.00 UTC
Where: Live on Zoom
Apply to this task and join us at Insight Fest to receive 100 GMBL for engaging in Community discussions & cobersations.
Once you Apply ( submit work ), your Discord handle will be linked to the task and we will officially assign you to the task live in the Swarm Session
Your wallet can’t be linked yet to this platform, pls just send us your addr1 via discord to receive the rewards after joining in the Swarm Session*
Want to keep it easy ?Simply join us at Idea FestLive on Zoom - June 8 at 15.00 UTC
Submit work of application and start excitement.exe
I’ve put the Fund9 Insight Fest on the calendar and will participate >>npm install excitement (I run on node)
Decentralized Newsletter service
I’m in.Txs for the invitation.
Thanks for the link and the organisation!! 👏
Testing it out
I’m joining from Consensus 2022
I'm here.
F9 insight fest
Join the Fund 9 Inisght Fest
Checking out the Dework! Looks great, excited to be a part of the experiment!
I’ll be there!
I will be there for the Fund 9 Insight Fest. Yippie :D
Thanks for the invitation
Will be driving from the Road On the Way to Consensus 2022!!
Dapps and spaces
I was promised some NFTs from a Q weeks ago. Still haven’t gotten them, but I’ll take some Gimbal via my address. :)