

wowTalkies is a fan engagement platform for movie fans on Web 3.0. Here fans can become SUPER FANS by going deeper with their participation and passion. Communities, studios, and celebrities can also become stakeholders in their fan’s activity zone and help them become super fans. The platform allows fans to engage with different communities and collect customizable collectables on their journey. Celebrities, production houses, and artists can also offer collectibles, curate content, and form fan communities to assist their fans and accelerate their journey toward super FANDOM.

We are building for fan engagement on web3 and mobile. We are the only project that provides AR, AI, and deep tech-led utilities on and with collectibles. We offer the ultimate movie fan experience with the flywheel of leaderboards, gamification, social, and content creation.

Expertise required:

  • App Design

  • 2D/3D NFT artist

  • Content Wrtier

  • Web3 Developer

  • Frontend Developer

  • Bug Bounty Hunter

Join us: https://link3.to/wowtalkies